California net neutrality bill gutted

In California, the USA, a State Assembly Committee scaled back a draft law proposed by Senator Scott Wiener’s bill to restore basic net neutrality protections that were included in the now defunct 2015 order of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The original bill banned blocking, throttling, and paid prioritisation, but it also included bans on paid zero-rating… Continue reading California net neutrality bill gutted

BEREC and TRAI announce collaborative work on net neutrality

The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) and the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) through which the two parties aim to promote competitive markets, technological innovation, and value for consumers. BEREC and TRAI have also adopted a Joint Statement for an Open Internet that outlines the common scope and grounds… Continue reading BEREC and TRAI announce collaborative work on net neutrality

New rules repealing net neutrality take effect in the USA

In the USA, the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Restoring Internet Freedom Order take effect officially on 11 June 2018, repealing the 2015 net neutrality order and restoring the classification of broadband Internet access service as a lightly-regulated information service. New rules make it possible that Internet Service Providers (ISPs) slow, block or offer “paid prioritisation” to some… Continue reading New rules repealing net neutrality take effect in the USA