California State Senate approves net neutrality rules

Despite industry objections, a strict net neutrality bill is getting close to becoming law in California, USA. In a 23-12 vote, the California State Senate approved the bill that will impose net neutrality rules considered as tougher than the 2015 order of Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Besides basic rules on blocking, throttling, and paid prioritisation, the bill… Continue reading California State Senate approves net neutrality rules

Canada’s House of Commons adopts motion in favour of net neutrality

The Canadian House of Commons adopted a private member’s motion (M-168) aimed at encouraging lawmakers to support net neutrality protections in the country. Currently, net neutrality is not acknowledged explicitly in any Canadian law. Instead, lawmakers have used Section 27 (2) and Section 36 of the Telecommunications Act to argue in favour of net neutrality protections or… Continue reading Canada’s House of Commons adopts motion in favour of net neutrality

US Senate votes to restore net neutrality

The US Senate has voted in favour of overturning the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) decision to repeal net neutrality rules. In a 52-47 vote, the Senate approved a joint resolution providing for ‘congressional disapproval’ of the FCC’s December 2017 order. The FCC Restoring Internet Freedom Order reintroduces the classification of broadband Internet access service as a… Continue reading US Senate votes to restore net neutrality

US FCC rules repealing net neutrality to take effect on 11 June

In the USA, the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Restoring Internet Freedom Order is to take effect on 11 June 2018, repealing the 2015 net neutrality order and restoring the classification of broadband Internet access service as a lightly-regulated information service. In his statement, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai says that the Restoring Internet Freedom Order, adopted… Continue reading US FCC rules repealing net neutrality to take effect on 11 June

New York state senator proposes a net neutrality bill

Another state in the USA is making steps towards introducing net neutrality regulations. New York State Senator Brad Hoylman has introduced a bill that includes all the key consumer protections from California’s net neutrality bill that was approved last month by two state Senate committees despite industry objections. The bill prohibits, among others, the blocking, throttling, or interfering with… Continue reading New York state senator proposes a net neutrality bill