Despite industry objections, a strict net neutrality bill is getting close to becoming law in California, USA. In a 23-12 vote, the California State Senate approved the bill that will impose net neutrality rules considered as tougher than the 2015 order of Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Besides basic rules on blocking, throttling, and paid prioritisation, the bill would ban paid zero-rating arrangements in which Internet access providers charge online services for data cap exemptions. Senator Scott Wiener, the bill sponsor, said in an announcement after the vote: ‘I want to thank the enormous grassroots coalition that is fighting tooth and nail to help pass SB 822 and protect a free and open Internet. We have a lot more work to get this bill through the Assembly, but this is a major win in our fight to reinstate net neutrality in California.’ Now the bill goes to the State Assembly.
Originally published at GIP Digital Watch